Google provides a number of tools for free to help us bring actionable insights about global users. Those insights could be gathered by looking into what users are searching for. Below, we have listed some powerful tools available for free to help you plan your localization solutions better.

Google Trends

  • Explore what the world is searching.
  • Helpful when writing content for new markets.

A quick check on Google Trends could help better inform your translation choices. You can see the interest in several similar words over time. You can select a filter to see it worldwide or per specific markets.

To find the right translation of the word “noodles” for your market, add a comparison for the words Pho, Ramen, Soba.

noodles terms

You can also try to find out which word is more popular in different regions. 

noodles terms per region

Market Finder

  • Helping business identify their next global markets.

Market Finder provides detail insights which international markets are best suited for your product or service, plus useful tools and guides in how to prepare your businesses and successfully market it online.

Google consumer surveys

  • Custom surveys, real insights.
  • See initial results within hours.

Using Google consumer surveys you can design your survey and decide who to respond to the it.

In old days, instead of asking a teacher, people looked at the dictionary to know the complete definition of teacher. Now Google becomes our teacher and to know about Google, people Google it.

Munia Khan

Interesting facts about Google

  1. Google was originally named BackRub.
  2. Swedish Chef is a language preference in Google search.
  3. Google is a play on the word “googol”.
  4. Google New York began at a Starbucks on 86th Street.

